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Cre8tor Incubator stands out by combining top-tier resources with expert instruction. Our state-of-the-art production facility is designed to give students a real-world experience, unlike any traditional classroom setting. Our lead instructors bring over 12 years of firsthand experience launching and managing successful YouTube channels. Additionally, the production and post-production components of our curriculum are curated by DePalma Creative, a top content creation agency known for its industry-leading expertise. We also place a strong emphasis on online safety and integrate practical skills with theoretical knowledge, offering a comprehensive curriculum that merges hands-on activities with insights into platform dynamics. This unique approach provides a deeply enriching learning experience that equips students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in digital media creation.

We understand the concerns about screen time, which is why our approach is carefully designed to make screen usage educational and productive. Our workshops blend interactive, digital learning with hands-on, offline activities, ensuring that the time spent in front of screens is purposeful and enriches your child’s learning experience. We focus on teaching valuable digital creation skills that go beyond passive consumption, promoting creativity, and critical thinking in a supportive environment. This balanced approach helps cultivate healthy digital habits while fostering a passion for creativity and innovation.

Yes, to ensure each child benefits maximally from our program, we conduct a brief assessment or “discovery chat” with every participant. This initial conversation helps us gauge your child’s current skills and interests, allowing us to place them in the most appropriate level among our three tiered programs. This tailored approach ensures that each child is engaged at the right level of challenge, enhancing both their learning experience and enjoyment at Cre8tor Incubator.

Definitely! At Cre8tor Incubator, our workshops are crafted to cater to diverse interests within digital media, including a strong focus on gaming. We tailor our curriculum to ensure that each child engages deeply with content that excites them while also introducing foundational skills that are universal across various formats. This approach allows participants to specialize in areas like gaming, where they can deepen their expertise and enjoyment. Our workshops are designed to be collaborative and supportive, creating an environment where all participants can thrive and explore their passions. If your child has a specific focus on gaming, we’d love to further tailor their experience during our initial discovery chat to make sure it aligns perfectly with their interests.

At Cre8tor Incubator, our program is thoughtfully structured into three progressive levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Typically, children start at the Beginner level and advance to higher levels as they develop and master the essential skills. Each level is carefully designed to build upon the previous one, providing a seamless and comprehensive learning experience that enhances their abilities and prepares them for more complex challenges in digital media creation. This step-by-step progression ensures that each child receives the foundation and depth of knowledge needed to excel creatively and technically.

Each one-week session offers a unique theme and set of activities to ensure that children who attend multiple sessions are always learning something new. Here are the descriptions for each day of the week:

Monday: Introduction to Fundamentals

  • Overview of basic skills and concepts.
  • Emphasis on foundational techniques.

Tuesday: Creative Exploration

  • Focus on creativity and innovation.
  • Projects that encourage imaginative thinking.

Wednesday: Advanced Techniques

  • Advanced skills and problem-solving.
  • More complex projects and activities.

Thursday: Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Emphasis on group projects and teamwork.
  • Skills for effective collaboration.

Friday: Capstone Projects

  • Comprehensive projects that incorporate all learned skills.
  • Presentation and demonstration of final projects.

At Cre8tor Incubator, our programs are thoughtfully designed for children aged 7-14. We understand the importance of age-appropriate engagement and strive to group children as closely as possible by age to enhance their learning experience. Each activity is tailored to fit the developmental stage of the participants, ensuring that it is both challenging and accessible. Additionally, older participants may have opportunities to assume leadership roles if interested, fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment that benefits all age groups. This approach allows us to provide a supportive and positive experience tailored to the needs of each age group.

At Cre8tor Incubator, we provide a convenient $50/week lunch option with a diverse menu. The menu is available for selection one week in advance, ensuring a variety. Here’s a sample of what a typical week might look like:

  • Monday: Pizza
  • Tuesday: Hot Dogs
  • Wednesday: Turkey Sandwiches
  • Thursday: Mac and Cheese
  • Friday: Chicken Nuggets

We are committed to accommodating dietary restrictions and preferences. Please inform us of any allergies or specific dietary needs your child may have so we can ensure their safety and satisfaction.

At Cre8tor Incubator, we maintain a nut-free environment to safeguard the health of all our participants. We ask parents to refrain from sending any nut-based products with their children to ensure everyone’s safety. Our team takes allergies very seriously, with strict procedures in place to promptly address and manage any allergic reactions, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

We do not provide breakfast, but children arriving at 8:30 am are welcome to bring their own breakfast. We have designated areas where they can eat comfortably.

Snacks are provided twice a day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Children are also welcome to bring their own snacks if they prefer. Please ensure that all snacks are nut-free.

Throughout the program, children will create various types of content aimed at kids, including:

  • Vlogs: Learn to create and present video logs on topics of interest.
  • Unboxing: Experience and film the unboxing of different products or materials.
  • Tutorials: Develop and share instructional videos on skills learned during the sessions.
  • Gaming Let’s Play Programming: Explore and record gameplay sessions with a focus on programming aspects.

These activities follow standard YouTube formats tailored for young audiences, fostering creativity, technical skills, and communication abilities.

We offer a referral program where families can earn discounts by referring friends to our program. For each new family referred, both the referring and the referred families will receive a discount on future sessions. Please contact us for more details on how to participate in our referral program.

Our policy regarding refunds and rebookings is handled on a case-by-case basis. You can rebook or move your child’s session to another week, provided it is done one week prior to the scheduled class. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific situation.

  • Physical Safety: At Cre8tor Incubator, the physical safety of our participants is paramount. Our staff, trained in both the specific needs of our programs and general safety protocols, are present to supervise and facilitate all activities. We conduct regular safety checks to ensure that all equipment and facilities meet our high standards of safety and functionality. Additionally, all lead staff members are CPR certified, equipping them to handle emergencies quickly and effectively.

Online Safety: In today’s digital world, online safety is as crucial as physical safety. For all programs that include an online component, we provide a secure digital environment. This includes using secure, vetted platforms for digital interactions, constant monitoring of online activities to prevent inappropriate behavior, and enforcing strict guidelines on safe online practices. We educate our participants on these practices to foster a safe, respectful online community for everyone involved.

Here is a sample schedule for a typical day:

  • 8:30 – 9:00 am: Early Drop-Off (additional fee)
  • 9:00 – 10:30 am: Morning Session
  • 10:30 – 10:45 am: Snack Break
  • 10:45 – 12:00 pm: Mid-Morning Session
  • 12:00 – 1:00 pm: Lunch
  • 1:00 – 2:00 pm: Afternoon Session
  • 2:00 – 2:15 pm: Snack Break
  • 2:15 – 3:00 pm: Late Afternoon Session
  • 3:00 pm: Dismissal

3:00 – 4:00 pm: Aftercare (additional fee)

Absolutely! Our team at Cre8tor Incubator includes both male and female staff members who are dedicated to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all children. Gerardine, our stage manager, is onsite daily along with other female staff members. Together, they are always available to address any concerns and ensure that every student has a positive and inclusive experience at our facility.

We’ve established a designated area specifically for the safe and convenient pick-up and drop-off of students. This area is clearly marked to streamline the process and ensure ease of access for parents. Our staff members are always present in this area during pick-up and drop-off times to assist with the process and to ensure that all students are safely transferred to and from their parents’ vehicles.

We prioritize the safety of all our students. To ensure that children are safely handed over to the right person, we require parents to provide a list of authorized individuals allowed for pick-up. Only those on the approved list will be permitted to pick up children. This strict protocol helps maintain a secure environment for everyone involved.

We hope this FAQ page answers your questions and provides clarity on our program. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Fostering creativity and confidence in a fun, safe, and interactive environment

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